Robin GERBAUX, Grenoble, June 2014
Life and Peace Institute office of Addis Ababa (LPI)
The Life & Peace Institute (LPI) is an international and ecumenical centre that supports and promotes nonviolent approaches to conflict transformation through a combination of research and action that entails the strengthening of existing local capacities and enhancing the preconditions for building peace.

The Life & Peace Institute (LPI) is an international and ecumenical centre that supports and promotes nonviolent approaches to conflict transformation through a combination of research and action that entails the strengthening of existing local capacities and enhancing the preconditions for building peace.
The Life & Peace Institute envisions a world where peace, justice and non-violent relations prevail through people’s active work and commitment. We have been active towards achieving this goal since 1985.
City | Addis Ababa |
Country / Region | Ethiopie |
Website | |
Objective(s) | LPI’s approach to conflict transformation in Ethiopia therefore centres on understanding and supporting existing formal and informal capacities for peace and working with its partners to foster new mechanisms which promote a culture of tolerance, non-violent conflict resolution and amicable relationships between diverse groups. |
Means of action | Sustained Dialogue The Sustained Dialogue (SD) is a continuous process of dialogue where a diverse set of groups come together regularly to discuss an issue they feel is most divisive in a defined community. SD is a relationship based process founded on the assumption that if the stakeholders of a given conflict have positive experiences of collaborating across identity lines, then they will improve the necessary bond and trust between the stakeholders needed for dealing with more complex and controversial issues. LPI Ethiopia supports Sustained Dialogues among university students at two universities: Haramaya and Jimma University. Capacity-building and organizational development support to partners LPI provides technical, organizational and some financial support to partners in Ethiopia. From support on peacebuilding research and analysis to organizational support in programme monitoring and evaluation, LPI seeks to strengthen the capacity of local peacebuilding actors. Peace Research and Analysis LPI also supports research and analysis on peacebuilding and related themes in Ethiopia. Research plays an essential role in LPI’s conflict transformation approach, both as a precondition for understanding the context of engagement and as a means for conflict transformation. As such, LPI supports peacebuilding processes by introducing new methodologies for conducting innovative, high-quality research that helps the formulation of recommendations and options to relevant stakeholders. In addition to that, LPI’s research support results in the dissemination of knowledge and academic support. Support to peace education and curriculum design Since 2009, LPI has been providing support to universities on peace education and peace studies curriculum development. For more info please visit : |
Place(s) of action | Ethiopia |
Approach of peace | Conflict transformation |
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Actor file: L’Institut Vie et Paix, Bureau de Addis Abeba (IVP)
L’IVP est un centre international et oecuménique qui soutient et encourage des approches non-violentes pour la transformation des conflits.
Robin GERBAUX, Grenoble, June 2014