EcoWEB: Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits

I. Vision, Mission and Goals
EcoWEB envisions “A Peaceful and Progressive Society living in a Safe Environment,” and aims to progress toward its realization by “Building Partnerships, Empowering Communities”.
Ever since its creation (2006) its work has been inspired by the « web making” concept of John Paul Lederach, one of the world’s foremost experts on peace-building and reconciliation. The concept is described as the art of strategically and imaginatively weaving a relational web across social spaces within settings of conflict and an unpredictable and changing environment.
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This concept finds visible relevance in the context of the situation in Mindanao, particularly in Lanao , the initial focus of Ecoweb’s work. It strives to address four inter-linking challenges in the areas covered: poverty, strained social relations, degraded environment and poor governance, as defined in its Human-Ecosystem Development Framework that aims to further what had been initiated to date in the landscape of peace and development work in the region. This concept recognizes that local issues, concerns and challenges are connected to national, international and global issues like for example climate change.
Programs and Services
EcoWEB has four major programs which are being implemented in an integrated manner at the community level.
- 1. Sustainable Livelihoods Program
- 2. Human Rights Action & Good Governance :
— Upholding Indigenous People and Internally Displaced
— People’s Rights to Development and Security - 3. Environmental Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Action (DRR-CA)
- 4. Peace Action for Community Empowerment (PEACE)
II. Partners and Support
EcoWEB partners with local, national and international groups and institutions, and also taps into the support of individuals to help support its operation. International partners and donors include the Catholic Agency for Overseas development (CAFOD), GIZ, Caritas Australia, and others through partnership with agencies like the Act for Peace Programme of the Philippine Government.
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