D.P.H : dialogues, propositions, histoires pour une citoyenneté mondiale

Building a responsible world of solidarities
This resource site is comprised of a data bank of “experiences” representing 7000 sheets in 2007, as well as articles sharing experience, analysis, works read as well as 20 or so files.
The idea of the dph database of experiences was born in 1985 from the desire to link people and groups working towards the construction of a responsible world of solidarities. We hope to make both memory and experiential reflection available on this resource site. We also hope to enhance the analysis and the experiences through an easy search process and the availability of results that can prove useful to citizens’ actions.
A balance between action and reflection
dph is an initiative of the Charles Leopold Meyer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH). This Foundation has always promoted a balanced approach between action and reflection. This philosophy is underpinned by two priorities: the emphasis placed on development and dissemination of ideas, the emphasis placed on methodology.
The FPH has promoted international exchange of experience for 20 years, as a prerequisite of « usefulness to action ». This is also the underlying approach behind the creation and enriching of the dph experiential database developed in partnership with Ritimo.
Based on tools and methodology
Mutualisation of knowledge is at the heart of citizenship. We learn from each other’s experiences. Therefore organising the sharing of experience becomes a fundamental objective per se. The fact of breaking down barriers between themes, contexts and cultural approaches should foster the development of joint analysis across the board. This is further illustrated in the dph on-line files and through publications. dph is based on a methodology of collective intelligence. This collective intelligence is our understanding of the complexity and the links between economic, social, cultural political and environmental issues. The collecting, analysis, structuring and hierarchy of innovative and transformation of information and knowledge is based on tools and methods.
Organising democratic spaces of citizenship
In today’s Web era, with its over-abundance of information, the intelligent organisation of information has become a central issue. This is why the political project aims to help the global community to come together, to structure their information, to exchange experience, to jointly build their knowledge, develop citizens’ alliances, elaborate alternative proposals and organise a democratic citizen’s approach.
View online : www.d-p-h.info/
Has produced the following dossiers:
La responsabilité des religions et des croyants à l’égard de la construction de la paix
La Haye, 1999